Your booking summary
Garaje Centro
C/ Relatores 11, Madrid, Spain
Tue, Mar 4, 2025
From 09:00
Wed, Mar 5, 2025
To 09:00
Time shown in parking local time
€Included taxes and fees
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Garaje Centro never closes, open all year round, 24 hours a day, to park in Madrid Central without fines. If you have an environmental label, make your reservation and park 5 minutes from Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, Plaza de Santa Ana and a few metres from Plaza de Tirso de Molina.
Covered and guarded parking. Keys must be left.
C/ Relatores 11, Madrid, Spain
Max height: 2.25
Open 24h
Included services
Parking guard
Car key holding
VIP Service
Day shift pass
Open 24 hours
Terms and conditions
1.- Unlimited arrivals and departures for the duration of the booking.
2.- Cancellation free of charge, as long as it is made 24 hours in advance.
3.- The booking is non-refundable if it is not made within 24 hours of the start of the booking.
4.- It will be possible to extend the stay, in this case, the rate per minute of the car park will be applied.
5.- Passes valid exclusively for cars and for the selected car park.
6.- It does not imply the allocation of a parking space in the car park. Any free space can be occupied.
7.- It will be counted for periods of 24 hours from the date and time of access to the car park.