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To use these Services, we need your consent. By clicking on “Accept all”, you declare your consent to the use of all Services. You can also declare your consent by individually clicking on the sliders for each category of cookies and save.

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These cookies help analyze and measure how visitors interact with our website. The information gathered through measurement cookies is used to improve the website's functionality, optimize its performance, and enhance the overall user experience.

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Functional cookies enhance the usability and functionality of our website by remembering your preferences and choices. These cookies enable features such as language selection, font size customization, and personalized content. By accepting functional cookies, you can enjoy a more personalized and convenient browsing experience.

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Privacy Policy

Version 01.23 June 1, 2023

Below is the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "privacy policy" or "policy") that governs the Web Platform operated, within the European scope, under the domain (hereinafter referred to as "the Platform"), owned by Mowiz S.L.U. (hereinafter referred to as "MOWIZ-EU" or "we"), a Spanish entity with registered office at Calle C/ Albacete, 3 1st floor, Edif. Mizar, 28027 Madrid, Spain, and VAT number B-88542360, registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 39,954, General Section of Companies, folio 166, sheet M-709643.


Who is this policy addressed to and who does it apply to?

This policy applies to all users of the platform, whether or not they are MOWIZ-EU customers (hereinafter, interchangeably referred to as "the user" or "users") who are individuals. By personal data, we mean any information about an identified or identifiable individual. If you are already a customer of MOWIZ-EU, having entered into a contract with us, you must also refer to the information contained in it regarding the specific privacy terms.

Users who contract services or products provided through the Platform or, where applicable, download mobile applications (App) associated with them may be subject to specific general terms and conditions of contract and treatment of their personal data. Therefore, before contracting any MOWIZ-EU product or service or even downloading any system, platform, or mobile application (App) associated with them, we recommend that you carefully read the terms, conditions, and legal policies related to such products and services, as well as the conditions for use and/or download of the mentioned systems, platforms, or applications.

In any case, it should be noted that this Platform is intended for users over 18 years of age and is prohibited for use by minors.c

If you browse or use our web platform, who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

We are responsible for the processing of your personal data:

Full name of the entity: Mowiz S.L.U.

Registered office: C/ Albacete, 3 1st floor, Edif. Mizar, 28027 Madrid, Spain

Tax Identification Number (CIF): B-88542360

Contact email (general):

Who is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of MOWIZ-EU?

MOWIZ-EU has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), with whom users, if they wish, can contact regarding all issues related to the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights as provided by the GDPR. You can contact our DPO using the following contact details:

Postal address: C/ Albacete, 3 1st floor, Edif. Mizar, 28027 Madrid, Spain

Contact email:


Purposes of processing

Additional information

Data categories

Legal basis

Retention period

Browsing the website

Allowing you access, even personalized access, to the information and content available on the website, including information about promotional or advertising campaigns for the hiring of products and services, either from MOWIZ-EU or third-party companies associated with MOWIZ-EU.

This access is understood without prejudice to the onerous nature of the specific content, services, and products offered through the Platform, which users may contract if they so desire.

We suggest consulting the documents of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) regarding recommendations for Users to minimize privacy risks derived from internet browsing and information on technological security.

Furthermore, if you access our Platform, we inform you that we will process your browsing data for analytical, advertising, and statistical purposes, provided you have accepted the corresponding cookies in accordance with the Cookies Policy, and you can configure your preferences regarding the processing of your personal data for these purposes at any time.

Web browsing data (data about your web browsing with the support of cookies, websites visited, connection time, etc.).

Your consent, particularly in the case of accepting or authorizing the use of cookies that require it, in accordance with our Cookies Policy (art. 6.1 a) of the GDPR).

Depending on the case, the legitimate interest, whether our own or that of third parties, associated with the proper technical usability, management, maintenance, development, and evolution of the website, tools, network, and associated information systems may also apply (art. 6.1 f) of the GDPR).

Your data will be retained for the time necessary to enable you to navigate the website correctly and use our website and its content.

Regarding the data associated with your browsing profile, in relation to the analytical cookies you have accepted, you should refer to the section concerning their duration (see Cookies Policy).

User profiling.

We will create user profiles and/or consumption profiles based on the collected browsing and traffic data through the Platforms in order to offer information, promotions, or advertisements that are more tailored to your specific preferences or interests.

Data associated with the user profile (services or products contracted; satisfaction level with the services or products contracted by the user, etc.).

Your consent

Your personal data will be processed for this purpose until you object to it and up to two years after your relationship with MOWIZ-EU ends.

Addressing your requests or inquiries

For this purpose, the corresponding form is available through which we can address the specific requests and inquiries you may make in this regard.

  • Identifying personal data (name and surname).

  • Contact personal data (personal phone or mobile, email).

  • Personal data processed as a result of the inquiry.

Your consent

For the strictly necessary time to resolve or address them.

Conducting statistical studies

MOWIZ-EU will conduct market studies to improve knowledge, even in an anonymized or pseudonymized form, of users' habits and consumption profiles on the platform.

In the event of Big Data projects in this area, MOWIZ-EU will take all applicable protective measures in accordance with current regulations, including the possible anonymization of personal data using appropriate available techniques.

Therefore, in this area, anonymization and pseudonymization treatments may also be carried out to better protect your personal data.

Data associated with the user profile (services or products contracted; satisfaction level with the services or products contracted by the user, etc.).

Your consent

Your personal data will be processed for this purpose until you object to it and up to two years after your relationship with MOWIZ-EU ends.

Applying the appropriate security measures, technical and/or organizational, to your personal data, considering the existing risk at all times.

We will apply the appropriate security measures, technical and/or organizational, to the personal data of users that are necessary in light of the risks identified regarding their rights, including the encryption of personal data and other measures that may involve certain treatments of users' data on the Platform.

Web browsing data (data about your web browsing with the support of cookies, websites visited, connection time, etc.).

Compliance with a legal obligation (General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR").

In the case of treatments aimed at ensuring the security of the platform, the network, and the associated information system, the legitimate interest of MOWIZ-EU or, where appropriate, a third party may be invoked (Consideration 49 of the GDPR).

As long as the user's personal data is processed, including the retention of such data during the legal periods established, regardless of the legal basis for the processing invoked by MOWIZ-EU.


We use the user's location to facilitate the process of acquiring mobility services and to offer the user mobility services near their current location for quick, safe, and ticketless use of such services.

To do this, it is necessary to use the location provided by the mobile device, even if the application is running in the background, and this is communicated to the user during the initial access process to the mobile application, within the transparency policies of service provision. The user can accept or deny the permissions. In the latter case, the functionality of the service may be seriously affected.

Data related to your geolocation.

Your consent

The data related to geolocation will be retained for a maximum period of two months.

When the legal basis for processing your personal data is your consent, we remind you that you have the right to revoke it at any time, easily and free of charge, by writing to us at .

Regarding the retention period, as a general rule, when personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, it will be blocked and made available only to the competent authorities for the possible determination of legal responsibilities during the processing of such data, in accordance with applicable regulations. It cannot be used for any other purposes. After the applicable legal blocking periods have elapsed, your data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable regulations. If applicable, your data may also be securely anonymized by MOWIZ-EU (anonymized/non-personal data).

What are the consequences of not providing us with your data?

We strive to request or apply only the minimum and essential data to carry out the personal data processing that we perform in fulfillment of our corporate objectives and purposes. All of this is done in accordance with the principles set forth in the applicable legislation.

However, the failure to provide your personal data may result in the impossibility of: 1) browsing our website correctly (disabling technical cookies); 2) processing your specific request or inquiry (for example, due to incomplete or insufficient completion of the forms available on the platform).

In any case, the information and personal data that you provide, as applicable, must be:

  1. Sufficient, yet adjusted, limited, and proportionate to the legitimate purposes of the processing as informed by MOWIZ-EU, with maximum respect for the principles of purpose limitation and data minimization;

  2. Accurate, up-to-date, and truthful in order to adequately verify the identity, capacity, and, if applicable, representation of the respective user and to adjust the data processing to the specific needs and actual situation of the users.

Users will be fully responsible for the data and personal information they provide to MOWIZ-EU within the platform and, if applicable, for the services they request or contract.

Do we share your personal data with third parties?

As a general rule, we do not share your data with third parties without informing you in advance about the specific data that will be shared, the identity of the recipients or the types of recipients of your data, their activities, and the specific purposes of processing to which those recipients may use your data.

However, as a MOWIZ-EU customer, your personal data may be shared with the entities that make up the EYSA Group , to which MOWIZ-EU belongs, for administrative and internal purposes. Likewise, certain third parties may have access to your personal information in order to provide services to MOWIZ-EU. For example, in the case of third-party cookies used on the platform (see cookie policy).

MOWIZ-EU has various data processors under its control who may access your personal data as trusted service providers, to the extent strictly necessary for the provision of contracted services. These data processors operate under service contracts in accordance with the conditions and guarantees set forth in Article 28 of the GDPR. MOWIZ-EU performs the necessary controls, inspections, and audits in this regard to ensure that these data processors strictly comply with the contracted agreements and applicable regulations.

Outside of these cases, your personal data will not be transferred to any other third party unless we have your consent or, where applicable, there is another legal basis for processing as provided for in Article 6 of the GDPR, such as the fulfillment of a legal obligation by MOWIZ-EU (lawfulness of processing).

Are there international transfers of your personal data?

We inform you that, as a general rule, there are no international transfers of your personal data. However, we highlight the possible transfer of your personal data for the purpose of enabling online payments and other related services. In any case, MOWIZ-EU implements the necessary measures and safeguards in this area in accordance with the current personal data protection regulations to ensure that, if such transfers occur, they comply with the provisions of Articles 45 to 49 of the GDPR.

Additionally, in our cookie policy, you will find information about the use of cookies by third parties that may involve international transfers of personal data. You can review the privacy information of third parties that serve cookies on this website through our Cookie Policy .

What rights do you have, what do they mean, and how can you exercise them?

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, data portability, restriction of processing, and objection by sending a written communication via email to with the reference "Exercise of Rights". If necessary to verify your identity, please include a copy of your national identity document or equivalent identification document (passport, N.I.E...).

Furthermore, please note that if you consider your personal rights have not been properly addressed, you can file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). For more information, visit the website .

However, we recommend that before submitting any complaint or claim to the AEPD, you contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) ( to analyze the specific situation and attempt, if applicable, to find an effective and friendly solution.

Are security and protection measures applied to your personal data?

MOWIZ-EU has adopted and applies the required security levels according to applicable legislation regarding personal data under its responsibility, based on the corresponding risk assessment, and seeks to install and/or apply additional technical or organizational means and measures to enhance the overall security of personal data processing, systems, communication environment, and corporate organization, as well as to ensure the appropriate protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage (principle of integrity and confidentiality). However, the user should be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable and depend on the state of the art at any given time and its implementation costs.

For this purpose, MOWIZ-EU will particularly consider the nature, scope, context, and stated purposes of the processing, as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity to your rights and freedoms, the application of security measures and criteria, and other security obligations associated with the GDPR, with special attention to the provisions of Article 32 of the GDPR, taking into account privacy by design and by default criteria, and applying a concurrent risk approach system that will be reviewed and updated by MOWIZ-EU as necessary.

Validity and modification of the privacy policy

This policy has been in effect since June 1, 2023.

MOWIZ-EU reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to future legislative, doctrinal, or jurisprudential developments that may be applicable, or for technical, operational, commercial, corporate, or business reasons, providing prior and reasonable notice of any changes whenever possible. In any case, it is recommended that you read this policy in detail each time you access this platform since any modification will be published through it.